I introduced Padmé and Sirius to fire today... just a flame on two big sturdy candles...

It was interesting to watch their approach... they both first approached, sniffing very close to the flame, just to back off a bit when they noticed the heat... then they just watched the flame for a bit, and made some more slow approaches, sniffing... after a while, Sirius did that typical cat thing, getting to know something new by pawing it rapidly, and that dancing yellow thing was sure interesting! The result was that the flame disappeared and that he had a bit of candle wax in the fur of his right paw, something he didn't even notice...

Well, after that (and after I re-lit that candle), they simply spent easily half an hour to an hour just watching the flames, seemingly transfixed, until they grew tired of them and went away doing something else.

Introductions have been made, and it went very well. Instincts work! And I think I can have candles at home :-)

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