Among other intentions with my new apartment, there's my wish to design my apartment according to my own wishes and see how it works out.

This is important for me personally, because in all places I've lived before, my intention was entirely functional. A place to sleep, work and eat, period. I never really cared about making any changes toward beauty, harmony, whatever. This has been taken care of by girlfriends and wife in the periods of time they were with me. I got sick of this a few years ago when I started to search for a new apartment and decided that it was time I create my own, so to say.

I'm partly done. The wallpapers are exactly what I want. Of the top of my head, these are the things I still want to do, at the very least to see what happens i me when I see it done:

  • finish furnishing Jacob's room. It currently lacks a table and chair.
  • hanging pictures in some of the rooms (at the very least the living room).
  • finish setting up the work room, which is currently a bit of a mess (gawds, how much stuff can I have?????). I really have all the furniture I need there...
  • finish furnishing the kitchen. All it needs is an extra piece of furniture, for example this and a couple of shelves (not sure how the colours work together, but it's worth looking at):



Meanwhile, life goes on and I may have to find other ways to figure out what my taste is.

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